Friday, October 12, 2012

The First Avenger


NAME:  Steve Rodgers 

Steve Rodgers better known as Captain America was the first Super Human created as a result of the Super Soldier Serum and Vita-Ray treatment. The formula injected into Rodgers blood system enhanced his metabolism, giving him an endurance far greater than any human contains. The serum allowed him to bench press 1,200 pounds (545 kg), Run a mile (1.6 km) in 73 seconds, becoming a 'super soldier'.


In 1940, writer Joe Simon conceived the idea for Captain America and made a sketch of the character in costume. "i wrote the name 'Super america' at the bottom of the page," sadly it didn't work since their was already too many Super's around. Captain America on the other hand, had a good sound to it and there weren't a lot of captains around in comic's so as easy as that Captain America became the First Avenger. 
 For More Information on General History go to the Link Below :


  In the Film The First Avenger,  Steve Rodgers was given an opportunity to enroll in the military after various attempts, and later volunteered for a top secret Government project. Doctor  Abraham Erskine, a Doctor/ Engineer worked together with Howard Stark (and others) to create the first Super Soldier who just happened to be Steve Rodgers. As a result of the Top secret project Captain America (AKA: Steve Rodgers) emerged into action to defeat in this case the Red Skull. 

In 2012 the Captain was enrolled into a new government project named the "Avengers Initiative" 
{2012 Film Avengers}

Check out the Film and make it a Fan Favorite. 

The Cap. will be returning for a third time to Cinema's in 2013 
'Captain America the Winter Soldier'

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